My Love Letters
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These are Love letters i received from people who I beleive really loved me once, or maybe they do or not even now..i dont know..but they touched me deeply in ways i cannot explain. I have ommited names to respect their privacy. I treasure them alot and want to share this "love" that came in various forms...and words..and sometimes verses... Letters may come and go... but, love doesnt come your way everyday...

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Friday, August 05, 2005

Where Art Thou...My Love?

My dear Susan.

I am very very worried about you since I did not hear from you after you left. I will call your father tomorrow evening (Your time) to see if anything went wrong, I pray hope not.
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Spend my days as usual, talked to my friend and everything is settled with her. But I think I hurt her very much. I dare not do it again, and you... I cannot seem to spend my days in its normal course since you left. But I will make it through until we can talk again and I ask you to do me no more than that.

We will come together soon, do not depair and be brave. Smile for me, my love, and I will kiss you each time you do.

Forever loving.